Who we are

We are a team of change-makers who believe that every helping hand can raise a child and create a better future for them.

The Restored Heart Foundation (RHF) is a non-governmental organisation established to create a haven for teenagers and young adults to express themselves without the fear of being judged. We run projects that cuts across all demographics most especially in rural communities where teenagers are not encouraged to speak up and in return suffer in silence.

We believe everyone deserves a right to go through life with as many opportunities as possible to maximise their potentials and realise who they truly are.

Here at RHF, everyone matters, and every story counts. We want to be able to inspire as many people as possible to go after their dreams, little by little, step by step.

"Your experiences are valid, and we are here to listen"

Our Focus

Our Mission

To create societies where the value of education is unmasked and other basic needs are collectively provided for, by creating opportunities for children and youths in rural communities and engaging them in self-awareness programmes; so as to maximize their hidden potential.

Our Vision

A continent where hope is given and reassured to every mankind through the provision of basic social amenities for human development for a more sustainable future.

Our Core Values

  • Service – We believe we are called to serve, and as such we are always willing to offer a hand of support
    to those in and out of our immediate reach.
  • Compassion – We feel what people around us feel, and have our hands always stretched because we
    imbibe the spirit of Ubuntu – “I am, because you are”
  • Openness – We are easily accessible and are ready to always offer a listening ear to our community
    members to encourage speaking up.
  • Equality – Discrimination is a taboo here at RHF. We are ready to always welcome everyone regardless of
    their status/background with open arms.
  • Kindness – We strongly believe in paying it forward, ensuring that we bestow unto others the kind
    hands that we have been dealt.

Become a Volunteer

Join your hand with us for a
better life and future

Our dedicated team

Meet the team behind
our success story






HR Manager


Programmes Manager


Finance Manager


Legal Officer


Programmes Coordinator


Admin/Community Engagement


Programmes Officer

2023 Staff Retreat at Almat Farms